With your financial help, we can reach our goal of $200,000 and continue the important mission of Rosary Army in 2025: Make Them. Pray Them. Give Them Away.  Watch this video for more information and click the button below to donate right now.



We’ve been teaching people to make, pray, and give away all-twine knotted rosaries since 2003. All our work is about helping people discover freedom in Christ through closeness to His mother.


We’ve been teaching people to make, pray, and give away all-twine knotted rosaries since 2003. All our work is about helping people discover freedom in Christ through closeness to His mother.

I am looking for…

 How to get a free Rosary

Status of my free Rosary request

Learn how to make all-twine knotted Rosaries to give away

How to pray the Rosary

Free audio and video Rosary prayers

The Rosary Army mobile app

Download the official Rosary Army app!

Get it here

Pray along with our recordings of the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary (including Scriptural versions!):

Audio Rosary

Find a wealth of guidance on praying the Rosary, including printable PDFs and more!

Pray the Rosary

Get instant free access to Rosary Army’s easy 2-page instruction guide to making all-twine knotted Rosaries.  

Make Rosaries

We do not accept email requests. Because we are a small non-profit with limited staff and resources, requests for a free Rosary sent via standard mail (snail mail) or our online portal require 4-6 weeks for processing and delivery. Thank you for your patience.

Please note: We cannot accept Rosary requests via email. Please fill out the form below to request your free all-twine Rosary:

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School of Mary leads people closer to Jesus

School of Mary is Rosary Army’s all-new members-only interactive community, prayer, and learning platform.


Hosted by founders Greg and Jennifer Willits 


Hosted by founders Greg and Jennifer Willits 

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Healing from Porn Addiction and Shame
Author Rachael Killackey, the founder of Magdala Ministries, joins us to discuss “Love in Recovery” and women battling porn addiction. (Full podcast episode).
Live a More Devout Life
A conversation with Dcn. Matthew Newsome about St. Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life, and leading people to holiness.
The Eucharist Can Save the World
Dr. Jared Staudt shares “How the Eucharist Can Save Civilization” and ways to bring the Eucharist to the forefront of our world and lives.
Is Piracy a Sin?
Is Piracy a sin? A counterfeit Captain Carrot coffee mug leads to a discussion of the morality and legality of piracy, downloads, and more. Plus more on learning Latin and… Read More
News from Headquarters
Dealing with Disappointment
Romans 8 gives us some needed advice for dealing with sudden disappointment, and the discouragement that often follows.
News from Headquarters
Missionary Disciples (Full Episode)
Our first in-person guest helps us break in the studio! Fr. John Bartunek joins us to talk about 60 Days to Becoming a Missionary Disciple, plus we discuss the realities… Read More
News from Headquarters
Are You Stifling the Holy Spirit?
Stop living in fear of things like EMPs, 3 Days of Darkness, and Prepping. Diadochus and St. Paul may say you are stifling the Holy Spirit!
News from Headquarters
52 Ways to Know Your Faith
Discover 52 simple ways to know your Catholic faith in real and tangible ways through these easy actions you can do today!
News from Headquarters
Challenges to Holiness
You aren’t called to just be good or nice. You are called to be holy. But that can be easier said than done. In this News from Headquarters, Rosary Army… Read More
News from Headquarters
Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
In this week’s News from Headquarters video, I share with you a somewhat embarrassing story. It’s embarrassing because it reveals a huge weakness in my life with which I’ve been… Read More
News from Headquarters
2022 Sneak Peek!
The final tally for our recently completed 2022 Giving Campaign plus an insider’s SNEAK PEEK of some of our plans for the upcoming year.
News from Headquarters
It happens every time
I bet you’ve experienced this scenario: You have some major event in your life where things seem to be moving forward — something at work, in your family, in an… Read More


Your support matters.

Since 2003, Rosary Army has done so much because of you.

Because of you, countless millions of Rosaries have been made, prayed, and given away around the world, and countless more people learned to do the same.

Because of you, we built and launched the all-new School of Mary community and learning platform to help others like you grow deeper than ever in their Catholic faith.

Because of you, HUNDREDS of hours of meaningful Catholic media have been produced that change lives every single day.

Because of you, we’ll continue this important work into 2025 and beyond. But we need your help right now to make that happen.

Once a year, Rosary Army raises all of our operating capital during our annual Giving Campaign. With your donation, we’ll reach our goal.

Please donate right now using the form on this page, or mail your tax-deductible check donation to:

Rosary Army Corp.
258 Beartooth Pkwy.
Suite 100-150
Dawsonville, GA 30534