It happens every time
I bet you’ve experienced this scenario:
You have some major event in your life where things seem to be moving forward — something at work, in your family, in an important project.
Progress is being made. It’s a glorious feeling!
You have a moment of optimism and then – BAM!
Everything apparently crashes to a sudden halt.
You were hopeful one moment and then riddled with doubt and discouragement in the next.
You may be tempted to think, “I’m a failure! This will never work! Why do I even try?”
This happened to me last week, just before Christmas.
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Make a difference in someone’s life today – make a donation to Rosary Army’s 2022 Giving Campaign right now.
You may recall that last week I sent an update to our 2022 Giving Campaign.
As you hopefully know, since 2003 Rosary Army has been responsible for the distribution of millions of Rosaries around the world – one at a time.
This is a ministry unlike any other, and we believe God has huge plans for Rosary Army in the days and years to come.
So last week, we were excited to share that we’d raised 48% of our goal. This was very encouraging!
But then…everything stopped.
After sending out that update to thousands of people, no more donations came in.
Given that this is our first major fund drive for Rosary Army since 2018, we are in critical need of raising at least $100,000 for the growth and continuation of this important ministry.
I started to wonder if our website was broken.
Then I started to wonder if perhaps our goals for this ministry were overly ambitious.
In the next year, we planned to completely overhaul our Total Consecration website, create all-new audio prayers and resources, increase our video catechesis, and more.
Maybe God is telling us that we don’t need to do these things.
As Christmas day approached, we finally received 4 significant donations in the mail, and then a much-welcomed email from a donor who committed to providing significant monthly help to Rosary Army throughout the coming year.
These five generous donors in the last week have now brought us to 54% of our goal.
If you are one of our 137 donors during this Giving Campaign – THANK YOU!
While encouraging, this also means we still need to raise over $45,000 and only have two days to do it.
Want to help us reach our goal for 2022? Make a donation to Rosary Army right now.
Donate to our 2022 Giving CampaignAs I stated, it’s tempting to give up.
It took us almost 4 weeks to raise $55,000. How can we possible raise $45,000 in two days?
But giving into thinking like this never yields fruit in our lives.
What does yield fruit?
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, who trusts in the Lord.”
Jeremiah 17:7
The Bible is full of passages that help us keep hope in God at the forefront of our minds.
This one really spoke to me after this most recent temptation to be discouraged:
We give thanks to God…remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 1:3
Here’s the deal: we’ve seen God work too many times in situations like this for us to give up now.
And we’ve seen this exact scenario before:
We share our progress during a fund drive, people see the tally moving along and think, “Great! Other people are donating – I don’t need to!”
And because so many people have that same thought — suddenly all donations stop.
So I’m asking you: please don’t delay.
Make a donation to Rosary Army’s 2022 Giving Campaign right now.
We can do this with your help!
Please prayerfully consider making a donation to Rosary Army before time runs out at midnight on December 31, 2021 (but don’t wait until then to make your much-needed contribution!)
I thank you in advance for your prayerful support of Rosary Army.
Donate to our 2022 Giving Campaign