Hosted by Rosary Army founders Greg and Jennifer Willits since 2005.
Hosted by Rosary Army founders Greg and Jennifer Willits since 2005.
Watch the latest episode:
Catholicism vs. Science
Dr. Brian Miller explains what the Church really teaches about intelligent design and how Science and Catholicism are intricately connected.
500 Imperfect Adventures
We celebrate 500 shows since our radio show ended with our friends the Barrons and talk about the history of Catholic podcasting.
Finding Peace in the Storm
Figuring out God’s will can be tough. Dan Burke’s new book of reflections on St. Alphonsus Ligouri’s Uniformity with God’s Will shows us how.
First Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Recorded during our first pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. Visit the grotto, the healing baths, and marvel at God’s goodness in this holy city.
Losing 100 Pounds with St. Thomas Aquinas
Self-Awareness is the belief that God desires healing for us from the deepest parts of our woundedness. Dr. Ian Murphy shows us how.
Another Son Got Married!
Our second son got married and we tell you all about the graces and blessings of their amazing Wedding Mass, and we get all worked about the awesomeness of the… Read More
Spiritual Warfare and Divine Mercy
From the Eucharist to the Book of Revelation, Fr. Ken Geraci explains how spiritual warfare and Divine Mercy are intricately connected.
Catholic Potpourri
A Catholic Potpourri episode with tons of topics including Cool RA Soldier Email, Tab is Pink, Imperfect Insomnia Listening, and feedback on EMDR, Childhood Trauma and more!
Dark Days
When your days are dark, God is still good. Author Gary Zimak returns with Biblical Advice to help you trust in difficult times.
Holy Grit with Paul George
Virtue doesn’t have to be complicated. Paul George joins us to talk about Holy Grit, his latest saintly guide to developing a virtuous life.
The Prosperity Gospel
Is the Prosperity Gospel something that should be embraced or ignored? And how should Catholics respond to it?
Goodbye, Summer!
Glen Hansard Concert, Greg and Ben go to Benedictine College (Again), Lily Runs Cross Country, and School of Mary has launched!
School of Mary leads people closer to Jesus
School of Mary is Rosary Army’s all-new members-only interactive community, prayer, and learning platform.