Celebrate June with the Sacred Heart of Jesus
by Greg Willits
Founder – Rosary Army
Years ago, I received regular spiritual direction from a priest in residence at a nearby seminary. Being used to working with young men preparing for the priesthood, this veteran cleric pulled no punches when pushing people to lives of heroic virtue and holiness.
Every meeting I had with him, I walked away challenged, but I also walked away frequently confused.
“Just keep residing within the Sacred Heart of Jesus,” he often said.
For some reason, this completely perplexed me.
I was already familiar with the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the image of Divine Mercy popularized by St. Faustina. Still, whenever I tried to figure out how to reside within the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I couldn’t understand what Father meant.
Home Enthronement
After several more sessions, Father’s direction was more pointed:
“You and your family need to enthrone an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in your home,” he said.
“I have an image I painted already hanging in our bedroom,” I told him.
“But did you enthrone Jesus as the king of your home?” Father asked.
Again, I was confused.
My wife and I had consecrated ourselves to Jesus through Mary years before. We tried to live each day as servants of Jesus Christ.
But were we missing something?
Father challenged me further:
- Procure an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus specifically for this purpose.
- Partake in several days of preparatory prayers.
- Dedicate a specific day to join as a family and intentionally enthrone Jesus Christ in our home.
Admittedly, I was still confused, but I decided to do what has worked so well in the past whenever I desired to grow closer to Jesus Christ:
I simply took the next logical step and then the next step after that.
I didn’t overthink it but instead took it to prayer and moved forward.
At the time, I was going through a burst of painting creativity and decided to craft an updated version of the Sacred Heart of Jesus based on a stained glass window I liked. I set about working on the painting with a deadline of just a few weeks later.
A Decade of Enthronement
In the last ten years, we’ve lived in three different houses in three different states. In each home, we’ve given this completed image a place of prominence.
These have not been easy years for our family.
While we’ve experienced many joys and blessings, there have been, at times, an equal amount of trials and sufferings.
Amid this happiness and sorrow, the Sacred Heart of Jesus has been a constant companion.
For Christmas several years ago, we had copies of my new painting made for each of our children, some of whom have since moved out, married, and enthroned this image in their own homes.
In our current home, my wife and I pass the image every time we walk into our bedroom. Most times, as I pass by, I reach out and touch the heart on Jesus’s chest. When I’m sad, I touch that heart and let Jesus know. When I’m grateful, I do the same. When I’m angry, or sorry, or any other emotion, I’ve learned over these last ten years how to finally do what Father instructed all those years before:
“Just keep residing in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.”
I cannot express what this small practice and offering of devotion to Our Lord has done in my life.
Bring Jesus’ Love into Your Home
For these reasons and many others, this is why we were elated to partner with author Emily Jaminet and our friends at WelcomeHisHeart.com to create an all-new learning path on School of Mary to help you to enthrone the Sacred Heart of Jesus in your own home while avoiding all of the questions I had years ago that kept me from getting started right away.
And it’s available right now – FOR FREE!
Click here to get started with Enthrone Your Home with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
This addition to School of Mary not only perfectly complements our foundational offering, Consecration to Jesus through Mary, but also deepens our commitment to fostering spiritual growth within families and individuals.
Why Enthronement Fits Perfectly with Consecration
At Rosary Army, we believe that true devotion to Jesus is beautifully expressed through Mary, and the Enthronement to the Sacred Heart is a profound way to manifest this devotion in our daily lives. By consecrating our lives to Jesus through Mary and enthroning the Sacred Heart of Jesus in our homes, we acknowledge Jesus’ reign over our families, drawing us closer to His love and mercy.
June: The Month of the Sacred Heart
And because June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it is the ideal time to embark on this new spiritual journey. Here’s why you don’t want to miss out:
- Special Graces: Jesus promised special blessings to those who honor His Sacred Heart. During this month, these graces are particularly powerful.
- Spiritual Renewal: Enthronement provides a new beginning for your spiritual life, rejuvenating your faith and bringing peace to your home.
- Family Unity: This devotion can strengthen family bonds, helping each member grow in love and understanding of one another.
The Transformative Power of Enthronement
By participating in this learning pathway, you and your family will be forever changed. Here’s how:
- Divine Protection: Jesus promises to protect and bless homes where His image is honored.
- Inner Peace: Experience the comfort and rest Jesus offers those who come to Him with their burdens.
- Strengthened Faith: Develop a deeper, more personal relationship with Jesus, recognizing His profound love and mercy.
Highlights of this FREE Course
This course, led by Emily Jaminet from WelcomeHisHeart.com, includes:
- Historical Insights: Learn about the origins of the Sacred Heart devotion and its significance.
- Practical Guidance: Step-by-step instructions on how to enthrone the Sacred Heart in your home.
- Inspirational Stories: Hear personal testimonies of lives transformed through this devotion.
- Roundtable Discussions: Engaging conversations with Rosary Army’s founders, Greg and Jennifer Willits.
Absolutely Free Access
Thanks to the generosity of our donors and sponsors, both registration to the School of Mary and access to this learning pathway are entirely free. This is a unique opportunity to deepen your faith and invite Jesus’ love into your home without any financial barrier.
Don’t Miss Out!
This is a unique opportunity to deepen your faith and invite Jesus’ love into your home. Join us this June and experience the life-changing power of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Together, let’s enthrone His heart in our lives and witness the extraordinary transformation He brings.
Visit the School of Mary platform today to start your journey.
And as always, be sure to pray your Rosary every day and do whatever it takes to be holy!