Finding Peace in the Storm
Figuring out God’s will is tough. Doing it in the midst of life’s difficulties is tougher. Dan Burke returns with his new book of reflections on St. Alphonsus Ligouri’s Uniformity with God’s Will.
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Sometimes discernment seems complicated, and we struggle to “be still” to listen to God’s voice. Following the death of his spiritual director, St. Alphonsus Liguori penned timeless advice in a letter to one of his spiritual daughters, and it became the famous work titled Uniformity with God’s Will. Now Dan Burke breaks open St. Alphonsus’s eighteenth-century classic for you. He intersperses relevant explanations and insights within the text of this great saint and includes reflection questions for each chapter.
St. Alphonsus explains, “We should most confidently abandon ourselves to all the dispositions of divine providence, since they are for our own good.” In page after page, Burke shows you how the “wind and waves” can help you ascend to union with God. You will discover:
- The “paralyzing cocktail” we drink when we reject God’s will
- When good works are displeasing to God (Can you guess?)
- Three prayers that will assist you in directing all things to God’s will
- Two ways we can know God’s love and hear His voice
- Two life-altering spiritual disciplines according to St. Teresa of Ávila
- How humiliation, adversity, and trials can bring freedom, healing, and salvation (You will be shocked!)
Liguori intersperses fascinating real-life examples from the saints to assist you in remaining steadfast amid afflictions. He explains three temptations that confront us and how to resist them, along with four practices of uniformity to God’s will and a surefire way to unite your sufferings to Christ’s sufferings.
You will acquire tips on what to do during periods of aridity or desolation. Above all, you will discover how to enjoy peace of heart in all circumstances and foster loving conversation with God. By learning how to entrust yourself fully to God’s holy will, you will experience His divine embrace and the fulfillment of your deepest desires.
A “What Next?” section helps you take practical steps in doing God’s will. Burke also provides a summary of the Paradigm of Ascent, which provides often hidden but foundational insights and practices necessary to live out Liguori’s wisdom and to know the peace promised by God. In addition, he provides a simple action plan to implement these fruitful practices in your life.